My tissue pile after one night. Disgusting but illustrates my point.
So I have entered the second trimester. I was reading an article the other day about how during your second trimester your symptoms are supposed to be calmed down, you are supposed to have a lot more energy and overall you are supposed to feel the best that you will for the whole pregnancy. If that is true than I am screwed. I just never seem to be that lucky. While I am very grateful that my morning sickness has calmed down and that I don’t have to run to the bathroom every five minutes and I can finally eat pizza again without feeling like I want to die, I can’t say I feel all that great. It isn’t necessarily pregnancy symptoms that have been getting me down but more so just every cold and flu that seems to be going around. This is pretty typical of me to be honest. I have worked with kids in some way for the most of my working life and if there is something going around, guess who gets it! But come on guys, I am already trying to grow a human here and now I have to also have a runny nose, congested chest and the most deathly sounding cough? Booo. One of my amazing colleagues has said that it should be illegal for pregnant women to be sick. Yes, yes it should. Someone get on that. I have read (yes I read a lot) that during your pregnancy your immune system gets weaker because otherwise it would attack your baby or something. So that’s understandable; good job not thinking the baby is a foreign body that needs to be destroyed there body. But maaaaaaan. I am supposed to eat all the time but I end up with absolutely no appetite. Supposed to have all this renewed energy? Nope, I pretty much slept for a week straight and now every day for an hour after work. Coughing hurts my already tender abdomen so much that I swear I will squish the baby right out. Ok I will stop complaining now. I just wanted to whine because… well I can. Being sick is no fun ever but I just know it is even more not fun when you are sick, pregnant and anxiety filled. “Can coughing hurt the baby?” “When should you go to the hospital with a fever?” “Flu during pregnancy” “What medications are safe to take?” “Can being sick cause complications during pregnancy?” I went and checked my search history and these are the things I googled. Midwife and doctor said it was “just the flu” and that I should just sleep and drink a lot of water and I will be fine. I didn’t believe any of them. I ended up being off work for almost a week. I tried going in one day and after I discovered how much it hurt to move or how much it hurt to breath I went home and didn’t go back for a few days. Thank you to everyone for seeing me looking like I was about to die and not saying so but instead telling me it was ok if I needed to go home and they would cover me. I know I looked rough and should have never have ventured out of my house. Or bed for that matter. I don’t know what I would have done that week without my mom and dad as the husband was away all week and I was at home coughing out my insides and fever googling all alone. Don’t worry friends I am on the mend and just waiting for what crazy thing I will catch next. For now, I will say I hope that womankind just continues on in the evolution process to where we never have to get sick. Being pregnant has it challenges enough so just leave us alone. And then we get to be sick while trying to be a mom after that? Lord help us.
Thank you for reading and listening to me whine even more than usual. You are the all the best and I wish you all good health for ever and ever.