Going to try something a little different. Today marks the first day of week 38. We are in the "can go any time stage".
This post is going to go day by day until she comes whether that be early, late or on time. We shall see if I can keep it going until the last day and see what each day brings
Week 38 Day 0
When people ask "how much longer?" And I say "2 weeks" they always seem shocked. Believe me I am shocked too so I understand. Have been told I look very good and that I am carrying well and it's "all in the belly". So I guess that's all good. Two weeks! Or less or more. I say I hope less but have been warned I should be careful what I wish for!
Week 38 Day 1
Having one of those days. Holding something and I drop it and it somehow goes flying and knocks down 3 other things and then when I go to pick it up I knock over my water glass etc etc. Men were here all day yesterday fixing our roof. Didn't bother to show up today to finish their job and I am left with a big bin of garbage in my driveway blocking my way out. If I go in to labour and husband can't park in the driveway because of them heads will roll. Nine month pregnant crazy lady is rearing her ugly head today so people better watch out. Have a midwife appointment this afternoon which is always good. We shall see if the drive downtown and especially the other drivers on my way will be what finally unleashes the preganat lady wrath on some poor bystander. Will have to add an update when I get back. Post appt update: all is good and healthy. 41 weeks on July 5 and then if I want I can start looking at being induced. If I want I can go til July 10 at the latest. Baha ya I don't see me wanting to wait that long. July 5 comes she better be on her way! Stopped for chips and Calypso lemonade on the way home. Some days you got to treat yourself!
Week 38 Day 2
Hmm is that a contraction? I feel like if it was I would know... but why would I? I have never had one before. Is that my water breaking? Or did I just sweat a little too much?
People ask "when are you due?" "2 weeks? omg!" I got asked "still pregnant?" for the first time today. Feel like that will be my most asked question along with "how are you feeling?" soon. Had big ambitions for decorating my dad's Father's Day brownies. I had a nap instead. They are still good but look more like a child decorated them. Ah well I got an excuse. Gotta get used to presents made by a kid now anyways. Finger painting and macaroni pictures will be making a comeback!
Week 38 Day 3
Had a decently solid sleep last night. Haven't done much besides agonize over government applications and watched the husband build an IKEA couch. Just fell asleep for an hour and a half on the couch. (Old I've not new IKEA one). My body is tired y'all.