10 weeks to go. Holy crap. Its weird how even with my belly growing every day and feeling her move around there are times when you forget that this is all actually real. Then your app sends you a notification and it's like oh right this is actually happening and there is an end to all this. Excited. Anxious. Anticipating. Scared out of my wits. Feeling like you just can't wait any longer. Signed up for baby class and felt like it was ages away. On our last session. Mom tells me when my baby shower will be and I think that's a long time away. It's this weekend. Crazy how fast it feels like it has all gone. It feels like it was only a few weeks ago when I was telling all the girls at work. Yet at the same time it kind of feels like I have been pregnant forever! I can't remember the last time I just casually had a glass of wine. I feel like I have known my midwife forever. It's all so strange isn't it? I like that I still get a little rush when I go into the baby room and see all her things just waiting to hold her. I like that every time I get to cross something off my to do list of things to get done around the house I start to think about how this is all for such an amazing purpose. I like that when she moves around I can picture her as a little baby with all her limbs and body parts being so close to being done growing to where she will be when I see her with my own eyes. I like talking to her and calling her by name. And yes she has a name but no I will not tell! I like that when I sing her lullabies that I know she can hear it. We are getting close. Excited. Anxious. Scared. Anticipating. Just hoping I am ready or at least close to it!