Text to sister: How the hell has technology not gotten better than this?
I was sitting in the waiting room of the ultrasound place feeling like I was going to burst and die and there would be… water… everywhere.
Before going for your first ultrasound they say you need to drink 1 LITRE OF WATER and HOLD IT FOR AN HOUR. Then they will push on your bladder area for a while to look at the baby and not talk to you the whole time. It’s so lovely.
I am a tiny little person guys. I drank maybe 450 ml of water that I started a half hour before leaving for the appointment. I have never been that uncomfortable in my whole life. Sitting on that chair waiting I don't know how I didn't burst my bladder. I sound so dramatic, I know, but seriously. She called me in and I could barely walk I was in agony. Lie on the table and the technician says “you are extremely full. You must be in so much pain. Go to the bathroom and count to 30. It will feel like a lot but if you come back and you didn't let enough out I will send you back.” I shall warn you in advance that this is total TMI but I have to say I have never peed that much and that quickly in my whole life. How I managed to stop it after like 40 seconds (it took some extra time to get it) I will never know. And you know what? There was still enough in my bladder for the ultrasound to go perfectly! Like what?
So back to the original point: how is this still something they tell people? If I was in that much agony after drinking less than half of what they said what could have happened to my insides if I had done the whole amount? Are you seriously telling me that there has been no advancement in technology after all these years that it is still necessary to do that for them to get a super grainy black picture? Seeing the little peach moving around in there for the first time felt like an absolute miracle and it was so amazing and I love those little grainy photos they gave us. But seriously man. I just don't know what else to say about the ridiculousness of the time leading up to getting to see that monitor.
Keep in mind if you are going to go for an ultrasound soon. The technician that conducted mine said “if you are uncomfortable and have any more feeling besides maybe you kind of have to pee but you can hold it than you have drank way too much.” Didn't help me much at that point but I sincerely hope it will help you.
Well that's my dramatic story of the day. Not so much of a thought but more of a sharing of my (as always seems to be with me) ridiculous experience.
Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more of these posts from the mind of a twisted average girl with a baby in her belly!